The well-known Aerospool WT9 Dynamic is in the final stages of completing its Type Approval by the UK CAA, assisted by the BMAA (British Microlight Aircraft Association), as a 600 Kg Light Sports Microlight (LSM)
Aerospool of Slovakia has been building aeroplanes since 1991 and, of the WT9 Dynamic type, some 900 have been produced and are in use throughout the World.
Those flying in the UK are some of the early examples which were built to the original BCAR (S) but the design has been steadily enhanced over the years and the latest LSM version offers the features which were always desired in the early ones but not then available, and this includes a generous cockpit load, high cruising speed, various Rotax engine and propellor configurations and optional retractable undercarriage.
Thus, the new Light Sport Microlight Dynamic is the latest in a long-line of successful products.
Each aircraft built is bespoke for its intended owner, but the 3 broad variants are:
Dynamic LSM 100 with Rotax 912
Dynamic Turbo LSM115 with Rotax 914
Super Dynamic LSM 9.15 with Rotax 915
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